Monday, April 10, 2017

We Can Be Grateful In All Things.....


I hope you're all doing well! :) We had such a great week! So many miracles and cool experiences!

On Tuesday, I learned a really important lesson... We were on exchanges with the Hamilton STLs, and I stayed in Mississauga with Sister Holmstead. Our plan was to go contact a referral a member had given us, but her address had been deleted from our phone, and Sister Jo wasn't home to send us the address again for a few more hours. So we went to the church to make copies for a later lesson, and while we were there, Brother Gundaker texted us, asking if we were free to come give one of his friends at Home Depot a Book of Mormon. Because our plans fell through, we were able to go have an awesome experience of helping a member with his missionary work. I learned that the Lord's timing is so much better than mine!

On Wednesday, we had MLCs, and President shared some scriptures with us to teach us about how powerful the Book of Mormon is. He shared 1 Nephi 6:4-6 with us and it really strengthened my testimony of the importance of the Book of Mormon. There is nothing in that book that will lead us astray, because it's only things that are pleasing to God. Also, there is nothing in there that is not of worth to us. It's so cool!

My companion is the best example to me! On Friday, she was feeling really, really sick. But all day long, she didn't complain and she was so happy. I asked her if she needed to go home and rest, and she was like, "no, it's okay. We really need to have these lessons." After our lessons ended, we went in for dinner, and she was laying on the floor, under her coat, in pain. Then she proceeds to start listing off all the wonderful things that happened that day, and how grateful she is for x, y, z. Hahaha, I was like, "are you kidding me?! You're dying on the floor, and you're still talking about how grateful you are?!" It taught me that we can be grateful in all things.

Other Highlights:
- We had zone council on Friday
- We were able to find three new investigators this week!
- The weather has been so nice! It's 23 today! 
- We had a lot of amazing, spiritual lessons
- We took our new convert, Lisa, teaching, and she shared a really powerful testimony!

Love you!
Sister Dille

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